Name: In DOCX there are three JEMs describing job-strain either as an independent JEM describing only job-strain or as a subgroup in JEMs concerning psychosocial work environment and ergonomic. The three JEMs varies according to job title & industry classification system, data source and finally calendar period, see table below. JEMSBBH-88 and JEMSBBH-08 are based on the same data source, calendar period but include different job title and industry classification systems.
STRAIN-XMA: Elisabeth Framke, Jeppe Karl Sørensen, Per Kragh Andersen et al.. Contribution of income and job strain to the association between education and cardiovascular disease in 1.6 million Danish employees. Eur Heart J. 2020 Mar 14;41(11):1164-1178.
JEMSBHH-88/JEMSBBH-08: Madsen IEH, Gupta N, Budtz-Jørgensen E, et al. Physical work demands and psychosocial working conditions as predictors of musculoskeletal pain: a cohort study comparing self-reported and job exposure matrix measurements. Occup Environ Med 2018; 75: 752-8.
Contact information: Ida E. H. Madsen, ; Reiner Rugulies, ; Andreas Holtermann, (all affiliated at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Access: To obtain access to data follow the application procedure on this site. You will find an overview of the access posibilies to the JEM here Hent dokument.
Demographic dimensions: For all three JEMs demographic are available for sex, age and included periods.
Measures of exposure: Job strain is the combination of both High Quantitative demands and Low Decision authority/Job control. All of the three JEMs are based on self-reported scales but the with variation in items, see table below.