Reference: This matrix is an extension of the published matrix by Plato N, Lewné M, Gustavsson P. A historical job-exposure matrix for occupational exposure to diesel exhaust using elemental carbon as an indicator of exposure. Arch Environ Occup Health. 2020;75(6):321-332. doi: 10.1080/19338244.2019.1644277. Epub 2019 Aug 1. PMID: 31368419
Contact information: Developments have been made since the published version. The adjustments and extensions were made by Nils Plato and Marie Lewné, with input from Pernilla Wiebert, Håkan Tinnerberg and Per Gustavsson.
Access: To obtain access to data you need to contact the above-mentioned contact persons. You will find an overview of the access posibilies to the JEM here Hent dokument.
Exposure: Diesel exhaust
Job title and industry classification system: The occupations in the matrix were recoded to SSYK96 (a Swedish adaption of ISCO88). Due to the lower precision in the occupational codes in ISCO 88 than in NYK-83, the matrix was extended with assessments of the proportion of exposed persons within each occupation. The occupational codes were translated to the European version of ISOC88.
Calendar period: The matrix was extended to include the calendar period up to 2020.
Measures of exposure: Elemental carbon (EC) was used as an indicator for exposure to diesel exhaust (µg EC/m3). The point estimate for a randomly drawn individual in an occupation is obtained by multiplying the proportion exposed with the exposure intensity the specific year.