Reference: Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2019 Jul 24;63(6):666-678. doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxz031.

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Access: To obtain access to data follow the application procedure on this site. You will find an overview of the access posibilies to the JEM  here  Hent dokument.

Exposure: All daytime, all year light intensity (lux) estimates (geometric mean): Back-transformed all daytime all year estimate (lux) based on means of the 12 month- and 12 hour β-estimates (estimates can be accessed upon request). Some Disco88 codes are listed more times (e.g 1221). This means that we have an estimate for that Disco88 code with and without the additional estimate(s) from one or more DB07 codes. The all daytime all year light intensity (lux) estimate listed where DO07 is missing is then the back-transformed all year all day mean (geometric mean) light intensity for the Disco88 code 1221 without taking industry into account. The all year all day mean listed for Disco88 1221 where DB07 is 813000 is the back-transformed all year all day mean light intensity for Disco88 code 1221 taking industry 813000 into account.

DISCO-88 (four digit): the Danish version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations version 1988.

Expert score: 0 (0 % probability + 0 h), 2 (1–24% + 1–2 h), 3 (25–50%+1–2 h or 1–24% + 3–4 h), 4 (25–50% + 3–4 h), 5 (25–50% + >4 h or >50% + 3–4 h), and 6 (>50% + >4 h).

DB07: 6-digit industry code according to the Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007. DB07 is a subdivision of the four-digit EU common industry classification NACE (second revision).

BLUP estimate: BLUP estimate with blank DB07 codes indicate BLUPs for DISCO-88 whereas BLUP estimates with indications of DB07 indicate BLUPs for industries nested in DISCO-88. BLUPs for either DISCO-88 or DISCO-88 and DB07 are taken into account for each calculation of the indicated all daytime, all year light intensity (lux) estimates.

Job title and industry classification system: The JEM uses the DISCO-88 and the DB-07 classification.

Measures of exposure:  Geometric mean in EU/m3

Calendar period: Years covered are years around 2015. Recommendations outside the period not fixed. Not indications of any strong trends.

Uncertainty in exposure measures: Standard error of predictions.

Demographic dimensions: There are no demographic or geographical dimensions.

A Daytime light JEM with hour- and month specific daytime light estimates can be received upon request.