Beskrivelse af JEM

Name: Hand-wrist

Exposure: Hand-wrist:

  • Repetition
  • Force
  • Vibration
  • Computer work

Measure of exposure:

The ratings of the exposure to hand-wrist were assessed by five experienced occupational physicians. They used cards displaying exposure data and job titles for 96 JEM groups. First 29 pre-assessed cards were sorted into five exposure categories, which served as benchmarks for rating the remaining 67 groups. The physicians then assigned scores (1-5) for wrist repetition, hand force, vibration, and computer work duration, adjusting the ratings as necessary.

Coverage: 96 job groups covering 91% of the 2227 occupational titles in the Danish version of the International Standard Classification of Occupation‐88

Job title and industry classification system: DISCO-88

Calendar period: The exposure were assessed in 2021.

Uncertainty in exposure measures: The exposures were expert assessed. Though the JEM has fair to good interrater reliability.

Access: To obtain access to data follow the application procedure on this site and write a seperate email and describe you would like access to this JEM.

Referencer og kontaktinformation

Contact information: Jonathan Aavang Petersen, Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg, Bispebjerg Bakke 23, 2200 Copenhagen NV, Denmark. Mail:

References: Petersen JV, Lund CB, Flachs EM, Petersen R, Mikkelsen S, Thomsen JF. Validity of an expert-based job exposure matrix of hand-wrist physical exposures and their prospective associations with carpal tunnel syndrome. American Journal of Industraial Medicine 2024. doi: 10.1002/ajim.23651.

Mikkelsen S, Petersen R, Lund CB, Petersen JA, Thomsen JF. Reliability and validity of expert assessments of hand‐wrist physical exposures. Am J Ind Med. 2021;65(2):132‐142. doi:10.1002/ajim.23318

Forskningsprojekter om fysisk belastning i DOC*X

Inden for DOC*X er der flere projekter, som forsker i sammenhængen mellem fysisk belastning og sundhed, hvor jobeksponeringsmatricen Hand-wrist er en af de eksponeringer som benyttes.

Der foretages blandt andet forskning, som undersøger sammenhængen mellem karpaltunnelsyndrom (CTS) og bevægelse af håndleddet. Karpaltunnelsyndrom er en tilstand, hvor en nerve, der løber gennem håndleddet, bliver klemt eller komprimeret. Undersøgelsen viser, at JEM’en Hand-risk er i stand til at identificere kendte risikofaktorer for CTS i overensstemmelse med den nuværende evidens. Ydermere giver undersøgelsen indsigt i, hvordan belastning påvirker risikoen, hvordan forskellige typer belastning påvirker hinanden, og hvordan gentagne bevægelser og brug af kraft hænger sammen.

Dette er blot eksempler på den forskning, som foretages i DOC*X regi. Her kan du se mere information om andre forskningsprojekter, som benytter DOC*X data.