Reference: Elisabeth Framke, Jeppe Karl Sørensen, Kristina Alexanderson et al. Emotional demands at work and risk of long-term sickness absence in 1·5 million employees in Denmark: a prospective cohort study on effect modifiers. Lancet Public Health. 2021 Oct;6(10):e752-e759.

Contact information: Ida E. H. Madsen, ; Reiner Rugulies, ; Andreas Holtermann, (all affiliated at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Access: To obtain access to data follow the application procedure on this site. You will find an overview of the access posibilies to the JEM  here  Hent dokument.

Exposure: Possibilities for development at work as part of the psych social work environment.

Coverage: Occupational titles within The Danish version of ISCO-88

Job title and industry classification system: DISCO-88

Calendar period: 2000 and 2005

Measures of exposure: This JEM is constructed using data from “Danish Work Environment Cohort Study” collected by the Danish National Research Centre for the working environment. The JEM is based on three self-reported items: “Does your work require you to take the initiative?”, “Do you have the possibility of learning new things through your work?” and “Can you use your skills or expertise in your work?” with a 5-scale response option: “To a very large extent”; “To a large extent”; “Somewhat”; “To a small extent” and “To a very small extent”. The scales are calculated as the mean score of the items. Higher scores indicate higher levels of possibilities for development.

Demographic dimensions: The JEM is sex-, age-, and period specific.