Støv, røg damp – ALOHA
Name: ALOHA JEM Reference: The original ALOHA JEM (with just the 4 general exposure categories) was first used and described in the literature in these papers: Matheson MC1, Benke G, Raven J, Sim MR, Kromhout H, Vermeulen
Name: ALOHA JEM Reference: The original ALOHA JEM (with just the 4 general exposure categories) was first used and described in the literature in these papers: Matheson MC1, Benke G, Raven J, Sim MR, Kromhout H, Vermeulen
Name: Endotoxin JEM, an Insustry Exposure Matrixsurem. Short describtion: 3,200 endotoxin measurements and 3540 organic dust measurements from Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, and Norway. Methodology similar to the paper on
Name: Organic Dust JEM, an Insustry Exposure Matrixsurem. The JEMname is IOM - the same JEM as the one concerning endotoxin. 3,200 endotoxin measurements and 3540 organic dust measurements from Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Netherlands,
Beskrivelse af JEM Name: The Shoulder JEM Exposure: The JEM consists of two parts, a purely expert rated part and a calibrated part, where technical measurements in a selection of occupations are included to calibrate
Beskrivelse af JEM Name: Lower Body JEM Exposure: Expert rated exposures in 5 domains: Standing/walking (hours per 8 hours workday) Kneeling/squatting (hours per 8 hours workday) Whole body vibration (hours per 8 hours workday) Total load
Second DOC*X Seminar The second DOC*X Seminar takes place wednesday november 2nd, 2016 at 13.-17. The Seminar takes place at NFA - the National Research Centre for the Working Environment, at Lersø Parkallé 105, 2100 København Ø.
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